Disclaimer – This post is based on a discussion I had originally within an Iguana Facebook group. But I see it time and again on many groups. My own Bearded Dragon group for example, and it goes something like this….

So, you post in a group saying something along the lines of – “took my dragon/Iguana for a car ride. He/she absolutely loved it“.
To which I’d reply – “Did it?. Did it honestly love it?. I would incline to say, no, no it didn’t at all”.
What benefit would a reptile get from seeing the world fly-by at 60mph?.
“Most” reptiles tends to freeze still and actually move very little.
There are reasons for this:
“Most” reptiles tends to freeze still and actually move very little.
Of course, we can only judge if a reptile likes something via its reactions and reading body language.
And I’ve kept many dragons and other species long enough to know, when outside, even in the garden unless in some sort of outside enclosure “Most” reptiles tends to freeze still and actually move very little.
Or do the opposite and run for the nearest wall, corner, or dark place for cover (very much like a burrow. This reaction is instinctive).
These are instinctive reactions based on survival and fear.
This can be put down to a couple of likely things;
- Being away from their own established territory. That being, their setup.
- Also, the chemical reactions within the body on the exposure to the natural heat, Uvb, etc, is all gets a little overwhelming for the reptile.
- Same goes for the unfamiliar sights, sounds, and smells it encounters.

In the car we go….
The ride is only for your benefit only. Be it for a “talking point” for the locals. Whatever!.
I can’t honestly see the benefit for the reptile.
Then you put the reptile in the car – sit them on the dashboard or your chest, and drive.
The Reptile just sits there.
Can you honestly say that dragon is enjoying and actually benefiting from the ride?.
For me I find it not only very dangerous, even with a leash (and don’t get me started on these for “safety”, they make me very angry).
Of course, something absolutely necessary like a Vet visit doesn’t count here, as the actual need and health of a reptile is a very different matter.
But with all that being said, I’d recommend a small dog carrier for the safety of the animal. Never ever loose on a dash or seat, or even on a leash.
So, the ride is only really for your own benefit. Be it for a “talking point” for the locals. Thinking it’s cool. Whatever!.
I can’t honestly see the benefit for the reptile. Can you?
Your Reptiles are not a status point. Not an object to get locals talking.
Always think about your Reptiles needs, not your own selfish reasons.
– Pete
Award winning Published author of Herpetoculture.
Featuring articles on many species within,
Practical Reptile Keeping magazine (some linked on site as .pdf files)
Canadian Hobbyist magazine
Reptiles magazine
Also, Reptile/Amphibian blog article writer and reptile specialist for;
Exotic Direct (links on this site)
Reptile Apartment
Public talker at Reptile meetings, for various organisations.
Founder of several huge Reptile and Amphibian related Facebook groups (links on this site)
Reptile Reports – “Lizard Personality of the year” 2016 & 2017